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"Juego de Posición under Pep Guardiola" グアルディオラによるポジショナルプレー 前編

ポジショナルプレー強化月間ということで 、今回のテーマは”グアルディオラとポジショナルプレー”です。












Juego de Posición under Pep Guardiola

14 out of 19 trophies were won in his time at FC Barcelona. 4 trophies out of a possible 6 were won in his first season with Bayern Munich. This piece will analyze the Juego de Posicion football philosophy of Pep Guardiola in his second season with Bayern Munich. The Italians know it as “Giochi di Posizione[1]” and the Dutch call it “Positiespel.” In English we will call this philosophy of football “Positional Play.” Viewing football through the prism of Positional Play is perhaps the main reason for the success of one of the greatest football coaches in history.

*Note: I expanded upon the philosophy of Positional Play in an interview with LeftWingSoccer. The interview is a follow up to this piece which includes questions about Positional Play coaching, tactics, strategy, and more! You can find the interview here.


グアルディオラは獲得した19のタイトルの内、14をバルセロナで勝ち取っています。バイエルン・ミュンヘンでの初年度では6つあるタイトルの4つを獲得しました。この記事ではバイエルンでの2シーズン目を通して、グアルディオラのサッカー哲学である”Juego de Posicion”を分析していきたいと思います。イタリア語では「Giochi di Posizione [1]」、オランダ語では「Positiespel」と名付けられています。英語ではこのサッカー哲学を「Positional Play」と呼んでいます。ポジショナルプレーというレンズを通してサッカーを観察したことがサッカーの歴史上、偉大な指揮官の1人として成功を収めるための大きな要因だったのでしょう。




The Principles of Positional Play

Positional Play is a philosophy that has many principles but the fundamental principle is the search for superiority. There are various ways to gain superiority and various types of superiority that can be achieved. Once superiority is found the team can use the situation to dominate the game. All other principles stem from this idea as mentioned in this extract from an exclusive interview I had with Marti Perarnau[2]:


ポジショナルプレーは多数の原則から成り立っていますが、基本は優位性を探すことです。達成すべき優位性には幾つかの種類があり、それを得るために様々な方法があります。優位性を見つけ出したチームはその優位性を使ってゲームを支配できます。その他の原則は、Marti Perarmau[2]に行なったインタビューから抜粋します。


“Positional Play does not consist of passing the ball horizontally, but something much more difficult: it consists of generating superiorities behind each line of pressure. It can be done more or less quickly, more or less vertically, more or less grouped, but the only thing that should be maintained at all times is the pursuit of superiority. Or to put it another way: ceate free men between the lines.

Positional Play is a model of constructed play, it is premeditated, thought about, studied and worked out in detail. The interpreters of this form of play know the various possibilities that can occur during the game and also what their roles should be at all times. Naturally, there are better and worse interpretations. There are also players that never manage to adapt to this model of play, which however, are sensational players and they manage to contribute many virtues to their team.

But in general, the interpreters of this model need to know the catalog of movements that need to be executed in depth. As in any piece of music, one same score gives rise to many different interpretations: faster, slower, more harmonious… more or less a concrete interpretation that you like, but what should be kept in any case is that the tune is similar to the original. Positional Play is a musical score played by each team who practice it at their own pace, but it is essential to generate superiorities behind each line of the opponent pressure. The team that interpreted Positional Play in a most extraordinary way was the Barcelona of Pep Guardiola.

When the coach left, the team continued playing the same game,but they were gradually losing focus and intensity in fundamental movements to the point that it became a very flat and predictable variation of play with a tendency to pass horizontally that ultimately reduces the possibilities of generating superiorities after lines of pressure of the opponent. This was one of the main problems Barca suffered in the last two seasons, although it was not the only one.

In Bayern Munich, Guardiola has promoted the Positional Play that Louis van Gaal introduced five years ago. But the one Bayern is practicing right now is a game that is much more oriented to a vertical axis than a horizontal one and this version requires a high degree of technical excellence because it seeks to construct the above mentioned superiorities not based on horizontal but vertical passes. This is an extremely ambitious interpretation of Positional Play.”

– Marti Perarnau





バイエルンミュンヘンでは5年前にファンハールが発案したポジショナルプレーを推進しました。しかし今バイエルンで実践されているのは横よりも縦を強調しています。このやり方は横でなく縦方向のパスにもとづいて上記の優位性を作り出そうとしているので高度な技術が求められています。これはポジショナルプレーとしては非常に意欲的な解釈です。」 by Marti Peramau


Superiority in positioning is necessary to be able to penetrate the opponent’s defensive lines, move the ball efficiently, and to have stability in possession. One form of superiority is numerical superiority. Having a numbers advantage means that your team has a free man. The goal is to find the free or unmarked man by moving the ball, positioning, or player movement. The free man in your attack has the best situation on the field and is very valuable to the attack. This is exemplified in this quote by Juan Manuel Lillo[3]:

“Look for the 3rd man (free man) to be able to turn and face the play.”

 – Juan Manuel Lillo

  対戦相手の守備ラインに入り込み、効率よくボールを動かし、ボール保持を安定させるためにはポジショニングの優位性が必要です。優位性の一つとして数的優位性があります。数の優位性を持つということは、フリーの選手が居ることを意味します。フリーになる選手が居ることは、攻撃において最も良い状況で、非常に価値があります。 これについて、Juan Manuel Lillo[3]の言葉を引用します。

 「フリーマンを探しなさい。そうすればプレーを転換して前を向ける」 by Juan Manuel Lillo


For example, when trying to escape pressure it is recommended your team looks to play a long flat pass to the 3rd man. This is a key principle in avoiding counter attacks. The 3rd player provides an option for a long pass and as a result as they usually have more space and a more efficient view of the field. It is common to see the top teams execute a layoff pass after playing a long escape pass.

A long pass generates pressure at its destination as it gives the defense more time to read its flight as well as more time to arrive. So, once a long pass escapes pressure and the pressure gathers near the destination of the pass the ball is laid off to another teammate. This allows the ball to be given to a player who now has a better view of the field and much less pressure around him than the player who played the layoff pass.




The free man must always be supported in order to take advantage of their value. To provide this support, Guardiola’s teams usually underload the farthest point away from the ball, i.e. they leave the furthest diagonal point roughly unoccupied while the team supports areas around the ball aggressively.

These underloaded areas are the least important for the immediate play, though they also play a role. Guardiola’s teams seek to have superiority in the center of the field. Permanently occupying the center means that players always have an option to pass to. The manner in which Guardiola’s players support each other means that the player will always have at least 2, and preferably 3, passing options.

This of course forms triangles and diamonds in the playing structure. An infamous example of Pep abandoning this principle is the 0-4 loss to Real Madrid in the Allianz Arena. His Bayern team played in a 4-2-4 formation which meant that the central areas were not controlled and the players in the center were not supported. This area of isolation caused Bayern to lose the ball in dangerous areas and have difficulty generating dangerous attacks.





A classic example in the search for numerical superiority in Positional Play is called “Salida Lavolpiana,” or “The way out of La Volpe[4].” This is a variation of progressing the ball out of the back in possession. Many times Pep will have players drop into the defensive line if the opponents pressure with the same number of attackers as Pep’s defenders. The value of this idea is mentioned here by Lillo:

“Positional Play consists of generating superiorities out of the defensive line against those who are pressing you. Everything is much easier when the first progression of the ball is clean.”

– Juan Manuel Lillo

 ポジショナルプレーの数的優位性を狙う古典的な手法として”Salida Lavolpiana(ボルぺの抜け道)[4]”と呼ばれるものがあります。これは後方からボールを前進させる方法のバリエーションです。もし対戦相手がディフェンダーと同じ人数でプレスを掛けてきたなら、グアルディオラはDFラインに選手を落とす動きを何度もさせるでしょう。Liloがこのアイデアについてこう述べています。

「ポジショナルプレーはプレスを掛けられたDFラインで数的優位を作り出すことから始まります。最初に前進させるボールを綺麗に決めることで、全てが容易になるのです。」by Juan Manuel Lillo


Using the goalkeeper is also another way to establish superiority out of defense, progress past the opposition lines and move up the field to create an advantageous attack. Salida Lavolpiana is a variation in which the central defenders fan out wide and a central midfielder drops into the resulting space. This briefly creates a back 3 in addition to having the goalkeeper as a base for the progression of the ball.

ゴールキーパーを使うこともDFラインで数的優位を作る方法です。相手の守備ラインを突破して攻撃の優位性をつくり前進します。”Salida Lavolpiana”は中央のディフェンダーが大きく広がり、セントラルMFがスペースに落ちる動きのバリエーションです。ゴールキーパーを基盤として、ビルドアップのための3バックを作ることも一つの方法です。


This is used most often when an opponent pressures 2 central defenders with 2 strikers. This movement creates a 3 vs. 2 situation out of defense, meaning a free man is available. The fullbacks push up into midfield as the central defenders fan out not only to provide a pass option, but in order to provide numerical superiority in midfield as well. This ascending superiority provides an advantageous path towards the opponent goal. Juan Manuel Lillo mentions this as one of the principles of this style of play:

“Pass to the next lines of play.”

– Juan Manuel Lillo

 ”Salida Lavolpiana”は相手の二人のFWが2CBに対してプレスを掛けてきた時によく使われます。そしてDFラインで3対2となり、フリーの選手をつくることになります。中央のCBが広がることでパスの選択肢を作るだけでなくサイドバックを中盤に押し上げることになります。中盤でも同じ様に数的優位を発生させます。こうして優位性を作ることで相手ゴールへとつながる道が出来るのです。Juan Manuel Lilloは一連の動きをプレースタイルの原則の一つであると述べています。

「パスは前進するためのプレーです。」 by Juan Manuel Lillo


Pep Guardiola uses these principles of play himself, as everyone has become accustomed to seeing the wide central defenders and the midfielders dropping into the defensive line. Marti Perarnau talked about the origin of Salida Lavolpiana here:

“Although in Spain it became common in the 2009-2010 season of Josep Guardiola with FC Barcelona, it is in Mexico where this concept is used most. La Volpe practiced this with his teams since the mid90s, including the Mexican National Team during the time when Guardiola played for Dorados de Sinaloa, during a time when the Catalan coach could approach La Volpismo .”

– Marti Perarnau

 グアルディオラは自身のプレー原則に”Salida Lavolpiana”を取り入れています。CBが広がり中盤の選手がDFラインに落ちる動きは誰もがそうしているのを見てきたからです。Marti Perarnauは"Salida Lavolpiana"の起源について語っています。

「スペインではグアルディオラがバルサを指揮した2009-2010シーズンに一般的になりました。元をたどるとメキシコで使われていたコンセプトです。La Volpeが90年代半ばからチームに取り入れました。これはグアルディオラがDorados de Sinaloaでプレーしていたときのメキシコ代表チームでも行われていました。その間グアルディオラはLa Volpeにアプローチしていました。」 by Marti Perarmau


Another form of superiority is one of qualitative superiority. This is an idea that is well known. Searching for 1 vs. 1’s, 2 vs. 2’s, and more with your best players vs the opponent’s worst players is a common strategy in football. This is perfectly exemplified in this quote by Paco Seirul-Lo[5]:

“There’s numerical, positional, and qualitative superiority. Not all 1 vs. 1’s are a situation of equality”

– Paco Seirul-Lo

 優位性には質的優位性があります。これはよく知られている発想です。1対1や2対2で味方の一番良い選手を相手の最も弱い選手にぶつけるのはサッカーの基本戦術です。 Paco Seirul-Lo[5]がこの例を提示しています。

「数的、位置的、そして質的優位性があります。全ての1対1が平等ではないのです。」 by Paco Seirul-Lo


As mentioned in the above quote by Paco there is another form of superiority besides the 2 already mentioned. This is a superiority of space or positional superiority. In this form of play the players are arranged at various heights and depths. This staggering creates interior spaces and passing lanes within the opposition’s formation. There is a large focus on the spaces “in between the lines.” Players look to position themselves in areas between the opponent’s horizontal and vertical lines of defense.

There are specific zones that must be occupied by players in specific moments. The specific zones or positions that must be occupied depend on various circumstances. A certain set of players within the team occupy the specific zones in relation to the ball, though the players who do this can vary because of the flexible interchanging of roles. A player determines where they will move by referencing the position of the ball, their teammates, the opponents, and space. Arrigo Sacchi[6] made a similar point when speaking about the defending of his great AC Milan team:

“Our players had four reference points: the ball, the space, the opponent, and their own teammates. Every movement had to happen in relation to these reference points. Each player had to decide which of these reference points should determine his movements.”

– Arrigo Sacchi



「選手たちは4つのポイントに注目しています。ボール、スペース、相手そして味方です。どの様な瞬間でもこれらの焦点に関係して起こります。選手たちはこれらの焦点によってどう動くかを決めなければいけません。」by Arrigo Sacchi


These superiorities or overloads provide interesting effects in the game. Combinations become tighter and quicker when a space is overloaded. It’s possible to break through the defense on the near side of the field, to open spaces on the far side of the field, and it allows for the stable possession.

The staggering of your team’s positioning in possession directly translates into better structure when counterpressing after the ball is lost. Counterpressing refers to pressing the ball immediately after possession is lost; a well known factor of Pep Guardiola’s teams. The offensive and defensive aspects of the game cannot be separated in Positional Play.




The team’s offensive ideas have a direct impact on their defensive work. Therefore, the team’s ideas in possession set the tone for all other aspects of the match. Guardiola even has a “15-pass rule,” in which he believes that his team cannot be properly prepared to cope with transitions or build a well structured attack until they have completed at least 15 passes. This provides enough time and stability for players to move into their roles within the offensive structure and strategy. Johan Cruyff[7] talked about the success of Barcelona in defensive transition due to their aggressive ball-oriented support while in possession here:

“Do you know how Barcelona win the ball back so quickly? It’s because they don’t have to run back more than 10 metres as they never pass the ball more than 10 metres.”

– Johan Cruyff


「どうしてバルセロナが素早くボールを奪い返せるのか分かりますか?10メートル以上のパスを出すことが無いから、10メートル以上走る必要がないのです。」by Johan Cruyff


Oscar Moreno[8] elaborates on the importance of controlling all phases of the game simultaneously here:

“Provoke the proximity of the maximum number of opposition players around the ball. Recuperate the ball imminently when lost in spaces where we are united. Divide the play of rival team while not dissociating ours. All with the idea of having awareness of, during the prices of attacking, I am generating the futures conditions defensively or vise versa.”

– Oscar Moreno

 Oscar Moreno[8]はゲームにおける全ての局面をコントロールする重要性について語っています。「ボールの周りに最大限の関わりを作りなさい。自分たちが組織化しているスペースでボールを失ったら、すぐに取り戻してください。自分たちは分断せずに相手を分割してしまうのです。発想のすべては、攻撃が価値を発揮している内に守備の場面を先読みすることです。またその逆もあります。」by Oscar Moreno


This relates both to defensive stability coming from offensive stability, and another aspect of the way Guardiola sees football. For Pep, this also applies to the idea that general concepts within the phases shouldn’t be separated. Some concepts which are used exclusively for defense can also be used for offense.

For example, in football the defense are the ones that are proactive, meaning that they determine how the game will be played due to them defending their zones in order to block access to the goal. The defense makes the rules, the offense reacts to the defense and try to score goals to win. Pep tries to change the state of modern football, while other managers attempt to win the game.




His offense attempts to be the proactive one, to determine how the game of football will be played, to take away the control of the game from the defense. Meaning the offense determine how the defense will react instead of the defense determining how the offense will play with the ball. He uses the ball to manipulate the defense. This is a key shift in the balance for control in a football match.

To add onto this idea, through hard training his players are able to work well with each other to control phases of the game where nobody seems to be in any real control. For example, when Pep’s teams lose the ball they counterpress immediately, as mentioned above. This means that even in transition phases they seek to act rather than to react to the change in play and rhythm.




They press immediately and determine what the opponent will do in the moment of transition, rather than dropping off and allowing the opponent to decide how they will transition. They cope with all conditions of the game better than the opponents do. The conditions for all of these concepts to come into play are constantly being generated, even while in possession and creating the offensive structure.



Within the structures created in possession, a main principle of supporting the ball is creating triangles or preferably diamonds. Formations are not entirely important to Pep Guardiola. They are merely numbers. He cares more about the perfect coverage of the field in relation to the ball.

Forming triangles allows players to have better orientation on the field and creates uniformity in movement. Depending on the ball’s position the players will position themselves in a way that allows them to move it into important areas of the pitch. If the ball is on the left flank in attack, the positions that must be occupied are completely different than the positions that must be occupied if the ball is in front of your own penalty box.




Players can perform specific movements while in these positions in relation to each other. These include but are not limited to: overlapping runs, diagonal inside runs, and providing a back pass option. There are general “rules” within these methods of structuring the player’s positioning in relation to the ball. These do not have to be followed strictly but are recommended to provide continuity and flow to the game. The idea is that a maximum of 3 players may occupy a horizontal line on the field at one time, while a maximum of 2 players may occupy a vertical line at one time.

If a system has natural triangles in its design than it is that much easier for the players to form triangles in possession. This is one of the many reasons we see formations with variations like 4-3-3 or 3-4-3 being used in teams who play this way. Every player is connected to one another and they move like chains throughout the field in order to have the best structure in possession and support their teammates and the ball. Oscar Moreno mentions the interconnectedness of all the players on the field here:

“Every action implies the subsequent action for receiving the ball.”

– Oscar Cano


Another key principle of Position Play is the manipulation of the opponent.

“The objective is to move the opponent, not the ball.”

– Pep Guardiola


もしボールを持っている時に設計されたシステムによって自然に三角形が発生するなら、選手たちにとってはより簡単に三角形が作り出せる事になります。ポゼッションに重きを置くチームが4-3-3や3-4-3のシステムを採用している理由の一つです。すべてのプレイヤーは互いにつながり、チームメイトとボールをサポートするためにフィールド内でひとかたまりになって動きます。Oscar Morenoが全ての選手の関係性について述べています。

「すべての行動はボールを受けた後の動作につながります。」by Oscar Moreno


「相手を動かすのが目的です。ボールではありません。」by Pep Guardiola


Every single action that happens on the field must have a purpose. The ball doesn’t move just to move. The ball is moved in order to move the opponent, to gather them on one side while you plan to attack the other. Every pass has the intention of building up to the action of eliminating opponents. If it isn’t possible to eliminate opponents then the players will keep the ball and look to get the opponents to move out of position. The ability to do any of these actions is supported by the structure in possession talked about earlier. 

The free man is an extremely important character in terms of manipulating the opponent. This is achieved mainly through switching the ball to the opposite site of the field once the opponents have gathered on one side. Usually the free man is the unmarked player on the opposite side of the field and he has the best value to the attack. The ball is a tool that is used to eliminate opponents and manipulate their defensive balance. The ball isn’t held in possession just for the sake of having the ball; possession is a consequence of this style of play.





Teams that use this philosophy of Positional Play determine which spaces they want to attack based on the game strategy then use a distraction in another area before striking the opponent in the desired area, i.e. playing on the left side to gather the opponents there, in order to finish the attack on the right or playing in deep areas to lure the opponents out in order to finish the attack in behind the opponent in the open spaces. We see that specific mentality of play even in counter attacking teams. Juan Manuel Lillo summarizes this concept here:

“The principle idea of Positional Play is that players pass the ball to each other in close spaces to be able to pass to a wide open man.”

– Juan Manuel Lillo

 ポジショナルプレーの哲学を持つチームはますゲーム戦略に基づいてどのスペースを攻撃するかを定めます。そして相手を別の場所におびき寄せてから、狙いをつけた場所を攻撃するのです。すなわち、左サイドに相手を寄せてから右サイドでフィニッシュをする、低い位置まで相手を釣りだしてから相手の裏のオープンスペースを攻撃するといった具合です。カウンターアタックの場面でさえもその思想が垣間見える事があります。Juan Manuel Lilloがこのコンセプトをまとめています。

「ポジショナルプレーの原則は、選手たちが狭いスペースでパス交換することにより、オープンスペースにフリーの選手を作ることです。」 by Juan Manuel Lillo


We have looked at the principles of Positional Play and strategical examples of the principles, but it is also important to look at how this philosophy relates to the specific movements and ideas of its players. The ball can move via dribbling, passing, or shooting. A player must master when and how to do any of these movements in order to create an advantageous situation for the team.



Each movement can cause the opponents to concentrate their positioning more towards the ball which opens other spaces on the field. Lionel Messi and especially Andres Iniesta are masters of this. They create spaces by drawing many players towards them. It can be considered a sort of “offensive pressing trap,” because they invite pressure from many players then escape it and conquer the resulting spaces with their teammates. Johan Cruyff talked about the types of players he wants specifically:

“I want players who can make decisive moves in small spaces, I want them to work as little as possible to save energy for that decisive action.”

– Johan Cruyff


「狭いスペースで決定的な仕事の出来る選手を望んでいる。そして出来るだけエネルギーを使わずにプレーしてほしい。」by Johan Cruyff


In general, players should always choose passes that provide continuity to the game and they should always look to secure the passes by supporting them. For example, if the opponent is compact the orientation of the game should be changed with longer passes. If the opponent is not compact then it is better to combine in short movements to exploit these spaces quickly. 

Both types of passes should be used flexibly though. The players will look to move the ball as quickly as possible so that the opponent cannot react in time and so that the forwards have the edge in game rhythm. In terms of positioning, standing between the lines attracts the attention of more than just one player, which can be beneficial to others.





The men between the lines, called interiores, dominate Positional Play. They are in between their opponents and this separation from their opponents is precisely what causes the gathering of opponents in specific areas. They are masters at eliminating their opponents and avoiding movements that attract opponents to an area where the opponents have defensive access to the ball. The players positioned in between the opponent’s lines should constantly move in order to have an open passing lane between them and the ball, or between them and a player who has an open passing lane in relation to the ball.

Staying out of the cover shadow of the opponents means that the opponents cannot block you with their positioning and invites more than one opponent to worry about this player. The specific manner in which a player receives the ball could also affect how they are marked.




Movement of the ball and the players is how signals are communicated in football, so if a player checks into a space to receive a ball very quickly, the defenders might match this intensity and follow the player and leave a free space to be exploited, or a free man. Siegbert Tarrasch[9] talks about chess in a way that is comparable to this aspect of Positional Play:

“Weak points or holes in the opponent’s position must be occupied by pieces, not pawns.”

– Siegbert Tarrasch

ボールとプレイヤーの動きはサッカーにおける合図を送り合うための手段です。ボールを受けるためにすばやくスペースに侵入したなら、守備者は強く攻撃者についていくことになり、スペースを開けたりフリーの選手をつくってしまいます。Siegbert Tarrasch[9]はポジショナルプレーのこの要素をチェスになぞらえて語っています。

「相手のポジションによって出来る弱点は、ポーンではなく(より強力な)他の駒を使って利用するべきです。」by Siegbert Tarrasch


Meaning that your very best players should be the ones who are the men in between the lines. They are the ones who will most skillfully exploit the holes in the opponent’s defense as well as perform the most valuable actions for the team. Examples of these players in Guardiola’s time with FC Barcelona are: Xavi Hernandez, Lionel Messi, Andres Iniesta, and Sergio Busquets.



The fullbacks or wingers are usually very wide and open on the sidelines of the pitch. They stretch the defense and create interior spaces and passing lanes. The opening of these spaces provides a better environment for the interiores and creates superiorities and free men in the most strategically important area of the field the center. 

The defenders build the game from defense and should determine the beginning of the attack. If the opponent is sitting deep and the strikers aren’t pressuring it is the job of the defenders to move towards the opponent and attack them in order to disorganize them. These are all main principles that Guardiola uses with his teams when teaching Positional Play.







[1]: Maurizio Viscidi is well known in Italy as one of Arrigo Sacchi’s best students and assistants. He is also a well known “Giochi Di Posizione” coach. Maurizio has worked as Director of Youth Development, Technical Coach, and Assistant Coach under Cesare Prandelli and Antonio Conte for the Italian National Football Team.

[2]: Marti Perarnau is a former Olympic Athlete who is the author of the very popular “Pep Confidential” book where he spent an entire year with Guardiola during his first season at Bayern Munich. He is also the author of Perarnau Magazine.

[3]: Juan Manuel Lillo is a pioneer of Juego de Posición. Pep Guardiola has said many times he goes to Lillo for advice. Lillo coached Guardiola as a player in his 2005-2006 season as a manager at the Mexican club Dorados de Sinaloa.

[4]: Ricardo La Volpe is a famous Argentinean coach. He won the 2003 CONCACAF Gold Cup with Mexico. Pep Guardiola notably fell in love with his 2006 Mexican National Team. The Mexican National Team lost to Argentina in the Round of 16 2-1 after extra time in that World Cup. These results brought Mexico to 4th in the FIFA World Rankings.

[5]: Paco Seirul-Lo is a fitness coach in FC Barcelona. He was the Head of Fitness Coaches under Johan Cruyff when he was appointed in 1993. He is a Spanish Sports Scientist who studied Kinesiology at the Instituto Nacional de Educacion Fisica in Madrid.

[6]: Arrigo Sacchi coached AC Milan from 1987-1991 and 1996-1997. He won two European Cups back to back in 1989 and 1990. Sacchi is famous for his contribution to the Zonal Marking style of defense.

 [7]: Johan Cruyff is arguably one of the best players and coaches in the history of the game. He won 3 Balon d’Ors. He was coached by the father of “Total Football,” Rinus Michels. Pep Guardiola considers Cruyff his largest influence, being coached by him and winning 4 La Liga’s from 1991 to 1994.

 [8]: Oscar Moreno is the author of “Modelo de Juego del FC Barcelona.” He is currently a coach of CD Alcoyano.

 [9]: Siegbert Tarrasch was a German master of chess. He had many books on chess and contributed many things to the game of chess.




[1]:Maurizio Viscidi はイタリアでアリゴ・サッキの弟子であり助手としてよく知られています。彼は"Giochi Di Posizione"のコーチとして知られています。Maurizioは育成部門のディレクター、戦術コーチ、チェザーレ・ブランデッリやアントニオ・コンテの元で


 [2]:Marti Peramauはオリンピック出場選手として有名です。グアルディオラのバイエルン・ミュンヘンでの一年目について、”Pep Confidential”という著作が有名です。"Peramau Magazine"の著者でもあります。

 [3]: Juan Manuel Lilloはポジショナルプレーの先駆者です。グアルディオラは何度も彼にアドバイスを聞きに行ったと離しています。Lilloはグアルディオラが2005-2006シーズンにメキシコでプレーしていた時の監督です。

 [4]: Ricardo La Volpe はアルゼンチン人の有名な監督です。彼はメキシコを率いてCONCACAF ゴールドカップで優勝しました。グアルディオラは2006年のメキシコ代表チームを特に好んでいるようです。メキシコ代表チームはワールドカップのベスト16をかけた試合で、延長の末2-1でアルゼンチンに敗れました。これらの結果により、メキシコはFIFAランキング4位になりました。

 [5]: Paco Seirul-Lo はバルセロナのフィットネスコーチです。彼は1993年にヨハン・クライフによってフィットネスコーチの責任者に任命されました。スペインのスポーツ科学者で、マドリッドのナシオナル・デ・フィスチャシズム・フィジカで運動科学を学びました。



[8];Oscar Morenoは"Modelo de Juego del FC Barcelona"の著者です。現在はCD Alcoyanoのコーチをしています。

 [9]: Siegbert Tarraschはチェスのドイツ人チャンピオンです。彼はチェスに関する本を多数だしており、チェスの発展に貢献しています。